Praxis Learning Network

Empowering Passionate Youth Workers Through Faith, Culture, and Community

Step into the World of Praxis

The Praxis Learning Network is not just another training opportunity – it's a journey of faith, culture, and transformative learning that brings together committed change makers under the umbrella of Christian youth work and community development.

Stay sharp - and stay connected

The Praxis Learning Network is designed for busy and active youth and community workers who want to continue to grow in their practice, together with their peers.

How is it structured?

Monthly professional development workshops
available to join in-person
or online

One annual intensive where you can immerse yourself into the learning community.

Join for an individual session or get an annual subscription
Annual intensives booked separately

Next Workshop:

26 March 2025

In the mid 20th century, youth work emerged as a profession out of the efforts of churches and Christian charities. Today most people consider it a secular practice without any particular ties to the Christian faith. Similarly, youth ministry is thought of as a distinct discipline that tries to avoid relying on secular theory. Does it have to be this way or is it still possible to find common threads between the two worlds? Come and have a feed, share your thoughts with others and enjoy a break from the day-to-day grind.

REGISTER BY 24th of March

Get your
Workshop Ticket

Including access to In-Person event

Join others for a monthly professional development workshop, delivered in hybrid mode!

Dates for 2025 (TBC)

Sat 03 May

Tue 24 June

Sat 26 July

Wed 27 August

Sat 27 September

Wed 16 October


Ella / / 0487 209 954

Here's Why You Belong in the Praxis Community

1. Deeply Rooted in Faith
Our foundation is the Christian faith, which not only leads many to us but also creates a contemplative environment, where personal growth and deep reflection intertwine with every learning experience. Here, faith and culture don't just co-exist, they thrive together.

2. Immersive Cultural Exploration
Dive deep into understanding diverse worldviews and reflect upon your own cultural narrative. At Praxis, it's not about reading culture, it's about living it. In a recent survey 88% of our members reported having impactful engagements with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, enriching their perspectives and work.

3. A True Learning Experience
Join us to co-create knowledge in a community that's passionate about supporting young people. Experience personal and professional growth that arises from our uniquely structured block courses, an integral part of our how we roll.

4. Join a Community
Praxis is not just about education; it's about coming together with shared values. Our community provides support, acting as a safe haven for ideas, discussions, and shared learning.

5. Be Part of a Wider Movement
Feel the energy of belonging to something vast and transformative. From connections with missional and community-focussed youth initiatives to the wider youth work sector, we weave together a tapestry of change makers committed to serving young people.

6. Magic of our annual intensive
The annual intensives at Praxis are more than classes. They're the glue that binds faith, culture, community, and movement. A space where you're both nurtured and challenged, leading to both personal and professional growth.

"I feel like coming to a block course [annual intensive] is like coming home, because you're surrounded by people who are wanting to learn and wanting to love you as much as you love them."
— Alana (Praxis Alumni)